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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fall 2012 Workshop Schedule

If you're interested in learning some fun metalsmithing techniques - such as enameling, raising, etching, and hydraulic die forming, then this is the post for you!

I know, this is the second post in less than a week's time - crazy.  But I want to go ahead and post this Fall's workshop schedule, as Fall is rapidly approaching! 

Exploring Enamels Workshop
Students will learn basic techniques in enameling such as sifting and kiln firing. We will also explore fun and contemporary techniques such as controlled over and under firing, inclusions and more. Students will make several samples and will have the opportunity to finish a few pieces to take home.

2 Day Workshop
Saturday, Sept. 15 - 10:00-4:30
Sunday, Sept. 16 - 1:00-4:00
Visual Arts Center of Richmond

Enameling is an ancient process where glass is fused to metal through heat. Students will experiment with enameling on copper and are encouraged to explore the possibilities that this process allows.  We will introduce a variety of enameling techniques such as sifting, stenciling, sgraffito, and basse taille. Students may apply these techniques to everything from pendants and earrings to decorative home items. No experience necessary. Most materials included in the fee.

7 Week Class
Tuesdays, Sept. 18 - Nov. 6  (No class Oct. 6)
Sawtooth School for Visual Art

NC Black Co. Micro Raising with Galvanic Etching Workshop
Raising is a process for forming sheet metal into vessel form using the metal's natural response to hammering. This workshop focuses on traditional techniques in raising, but on a small scale. Using tools specially designed and fabricated by the NC Black team, students will explore methods for creating miniature vessel forms. These methods can be used to create sculpture and jewelry as well as vessels.   We'll also explore Galvanic Etching - etching with electricity rather than acid - techniques and apply these to some of our raised pieces.  This is an excellent workshop for beginners as well as experienced metalsmiths who enjoy learning new techniques.  Students will focus on samples in copper, and will complete a raised/etched piece by the end of the workshop.      

This workshop is taught in tandem by Annie Grimes Williams and Julie Brooks of NC Black Co. Two instructors for the price of one means that each students gets more individualized attention from each instructor. All tools provided.

1 Week Workshop
October 1-5 (Registration Deadline August 15!)
Pocosin Arts Folk School

Hydraulic Die Forming in the Jewelry Studio - Part 2
In this workshop, we'll further explore hydraulic die forming techniques, such as texture plates, contained die systems, creating punches, and more! We'll also work with pierced and formed metal in the press, and try different techniques for altering pressed pieces. This is a great follow-up workshop to the beginning die forming workshop in the Spring, but any student who has basic/beginner knowledge of hydraulic die forming is welcome. Supply list available prior to the workshop.

2 Day Workshop
October 20-21 - 10:00-5:00 both days
Sawtooth School for Visual Art

NC Black Co. Micro Forming Workshop
Micro forming techniques are very useful in today’s market due to the rising cost of
precious metals. Using NC Black Co.’s specially designed tools, students will learn to
use thinner gauge materials to create voluminous and structurally sound forms. Students
will learn synclastic and anticlastic forming, as well as shell forming, all on a miniature
scale. We’ll get you creating small, delicate forms that can be used in jewelry and a
variety of other applications! This class is taught in tandem by Annie Grimes Williams
and Julie Brooks of NC Black Co. All tools are provided.

3 Day Workshop
Friday Nov. 2 - Sunday Nov. 4, 9am-5pm


Hope to see you this Fall! 

Please check back - I'm still adding late Fall / Winter workshops to the schedule!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Reasons Behind My Recent MIA Status

First of all, let me start out with apologies to my followers who have been waiting with baited breath for my next post since May.  Hopefully you have not given up on me completely.  Colossal slacking on my part when it came to sitting down at the ol' computer to write a few words.  Not only has my blogging suffered, but I have also fallen way behind on my research and marketing, and pretty much anything that didn't involve a quick check of email and facebook (shameless plug, but please visit and "like" me!). 

It's been a pretty intense summer.  Where did it go, by the way?  Here it is August 5, and it seems like it should still be June.  Here are some highlights of what I've been up to since my last post:

- My delightful parents came to visit, and we had a great time showing them all the lovely things Richmond has to offer - including this mural by Jeff Soto painted at the RVA Street Art Festival.

- Taught a workshop at Sawtooth School for Visual Art, Using the Hydraulic Press in the Jewelry Studio.  That was really fun, and I had a great group of students.  Sadly, I have no photos from that one, as we were crazy busy up till the very end.  (If that sounds interesting, I'll be teaching a Part 2 of that workshop this October 20-21.  Stay tuned!)

- Mark and I traveled to Ocracoke Island on the Outer Banks of NC for the Ocrafolk Festival.  It was a small two-day festival all about art, music, and story-telling.  Both CopperTide and CopperDog Studio were represented.  We had a great time, and will do that one again next year.  (Maaaaaaaajor improvement over the disasterous Watermelon Festival of last year.)

My booth

- Took an amazing Glass Fusing workshop at VisArts with Jude Shlotzhauer.  I learned so much, and I can't wait to make more pieces (albeit smaller pieces) in my own kiln!

This is a close-up of a fused/slumped bowl I made, about 10" diameter.
No, it's not spinning, that pattern is created with a technique called a "pot melt."

Detail of a fused/slumped glass tray I made, about 11"x7".

- Taught an evening Enameling class at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond.  Also a great class!

- Had more visits from fabulous friends and family.

 3 Generations of Annelles!

- Traveled to Winston-Salem, NC to look for a new residence... more on that later.

- Celebrated the Fourth with our marvelous neighbors and some fireworks, RVA style.  (I also became slightly obsessed with taking Instagram photos.)

- Taught a Micro Raising workshop at VisArts.  Another great time - I hope to see some of those students again for Micro Forming in Floyd, VA in November!

- Started work on a new neckpiece from the "Sea Pods" series.  (Haven't been able to finish just yet.)

- Thennnnnnn, we packed up our house, studio, and pets, and moved it all to Winston-Salem, NC!  Amazing how much stuff you have to fit into boxes when you're moving both your home and your business(es)!

Gabardine was very helpful in the packing process.
Winston-Salem is our hometown, and while we loved Richmond, this is just the place to be right now.  We have family and friends and lots of new opportunities, so here we are!  We finally got everything done with the wretched moving process (with a lot of help from awesome friends and family) and became Winstoners once again as of last Monday.  Last week consisted of mostly arranging and unpacking, along with a few much-needed naps, and I plan to get back to work full-time again this week.  So stay tuned - new adventures to come!

My new studio space!  Woot woot!