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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring/Summer 2013 Workshop Schedule

Hey kids!  Here's your chance to get in on some fun with metal this spring and summer!  When possible, I have linked to the actual registration page, so just follow that and you'll be on your way!  And check back often because I'll add more workshops as they're confirmed!

Taste of Art : Enameled Pendant
Taste of Art is a wonderful new program at Sawtooth School for Visual Art.  Spend a fun evening learning something new, socializing with friends and create a lovely piece of jewelry to take home.  Perfect for beginners and anyone who just wants to spend a fun Friday evening out being creative with friends!  Students are always welcome to bring beverages and snacks, but all supplies and tools will be provided. In this class we'll be making an enameled copper pendant!

Sawtooth School For Visual Art : Winston-Salem, NC
Friday, April 12

NC Black Co. Micro Forming Workshop
Micro forming techniques are very useful in today’s market due to the rising cost of
precious metals. Using NC Black Co.’s specially designed tools, students will learn to
use thinner gauge materials to create voluminous and structurally sound forms. Students
will learn synclastic and anticlastic forming, as well as shell forming, all on a miniature
scale. We’ll get you creating small, delicate forms that can be used in jewelry and a
variety of other applications! This class is taught in tandem by Annie Grimes Williams
and Julie Brooks of NC Black Co. All tools are provided.

Touchstone Center for Crafts : Laurel Highlands, PA

Extended Weekend Workshop
Friday, April 26, 7:00pm - Monday, April 29, 4:00

**Do not be deterred by the cancellation notice on the website!  Please call Touchstone directly to register : 724-329-1370.  If at least 7 people are registered by April 19, we can run the workshop!!!

NC Black Co. Micro Forming Workshop
Micro forming techniques are very useful in today’s market due to the rising cost of
precious metals. Using NC Black Co.’s specially designed tools, students will learn to
use thinner gauge materials to create voluminous and structurally sound forms. Students
will learn synclastic and anticlastic forming, as well as shell forming, all on a miniature
scale. We’ll get you creating small, delicate forms that can be used in jewelry and a
variety of other applications! This class is taught in tandem by Annie Grimes Williams
and Julie Brooks of NC Black Co. All tools are provided.

Columbus Cultural Arts Center : Columbus, OH

2 Day Workshop
Saturday, May 4 - 1:00pm-7:00pm
Sunday, May 5 - 10:00am-5:00pm

Intermediate Metals/Jewelry : Forming
This class is designed for students who have learned the basics of jewelry fabrication (soldering, sawing, etc.) and want to expand their skills. There will be lots of demonstration and plenty of time to develop your skills. We will concentrate this session's demos on forming metal with both hammer/stakes and the hydraulic press. Materials available for purchase in class.

Sawtooth School for Visual Art : Winston-Salem, NC

Five Tuesdays
May 7 - June 4
9:30am - 12:0

Intermediate Metals/Jewelry : Enameling
Enameling is an ancient process where glass is fused to metal through heat. Students will experiment with enameling on copper and are encouraged to explore the possibilities that this process allows. Annie will introduce a variety of enameling techniques such as sifting, stenciling, sgraffito, and basse taille. Students may apply these techniques to everything from pendants and earrings to decorative home items. No experience necessary. Most materials included in the fee.

Sawtooth School for Visual Art : Winston-Salem, NC

Five Tuesdays
May 7 - June 4
6:30pm - 9:00

Taste of Art : Copper Earrings
Taste of Art is a wonderful new program at Sawtooth School for Visual Art. Spend a fun evening learning something new, socializing with friends and create a lovely piece of jewelry to take home. Perfect for beginners and anyone who just wants to spend a fun Friday evening out being creative with friends! Students are always welcome to bring beverages and snacks, but all supplies and tools will be provided. In this class we'll be making copper earrings!

Sawtooth School For Visual Art : Winston-Salem, NC

Friday, May 10

Using the Hydraulic Die Press in the Jewelry Studio
Explore the fascinating realm of forming metal with a hydraulic die press. You can easily add dimension to your metalwork with the hydraulic press. Being able to easily create multiples of a simple form is one of its greatest assets. Students will learn to create original dies in acrylic sheet or other material, then use these dies to make puffed metal forms that can be altered using various techniques and textures. You can make multiples for a series of jewelry pieces, each one with the same outside silhouette but finished differently. The possibilities are endless. Basic Jeweler's Saw skills are helpful, but beginners are welcome.

2 Day Workshop
Saturday, June 1 - 10:00-4:30
Sunday, June 2 - 10:00-4:30
Sawtooth School for Visual Art - Winston-Salem, NC

Exploring Enamels Workshop
Students will learn basic techniques in enameling, such as sifting and kiln firing. We will also explore fun and contemporary techniques such as controlled over and under firing, inclusions, and more! Students will make several samples and will have the opportunity to finish a few pieces to take home.

Visual Arts Center of Richmond - Richmond, VA

2 Day Workshop
Saturday, June 22  - 10:00-4:30
Sunday, June 23  - 1:00-3:30

Metal Forming Weekend Workshop
This workshop is designed for students who have learned the basics of jewelry fabrication (soldering, sawing, etc.) and want to expand their skills.  Students will learn to use thinner gauge materials to create voluminous and structurally sound forms. Students will learn synclastic and anticlastic forming, as well as shell forming.  We’ll get you creating small, delicate forms that can be used in jewelry and a variety of other applications!

Visual Arts Center of Richmond : Richmond, VA

2 Day Workshop
Saturday, July 20  - 10:00-4:30
Sunday, July 21  - 1:00-3:30

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Creative Process : Leading up to a Show

Aaaack!  I've done it again!  It's not that I haven't thought about it, but the past few months, any time not spent in the studio has been guilt-ridden time!  Horrible from the marketing perspective, but really, who has time for all of this blog business when you're trying to get ready for a show?!?  And by show, I mean my first solo exhibition!  Super exciting!

Quirk Gallery is currently hosting an exhibition of my new work, right now through April 26.  So if you're in the Richmond, VA area, please stop by and check it out! 

SeaPod Wall Piece
photo by Linda Grimes
So yeah, it was pretty exciting to see it all up and installed!  With my name and everything!

Invitation Postcard
photo by Lauren Carroll
But let's go back for a moment, shall we?  It was last April that I planned this exhibition with Quirk.  A whole year.  So about July, I thought, "I have plenty of time, but maybe I'll start working on a piece before the move."

And that was as far as I got before having to pack up the whole studio and move to Winston-Salem in August.  Then I didn't touch it again until January.  So sad.  This piece did eventually come together... though I will admit, just a couple of weeks before my show deadline.

Apparently that's how I work best, because pretty much everything for the show came together in those last few weeks.  A few pieces in the last few days.  I don't know why I do this to myself.  I decided a week out from the deadline that I needed one more large neckpiece, and I did manage to finish it.  I had to leave on Wednesday morning, and literally finished the last piece about 7:00pm on Tuesday.  Geez. 
A friend of mine posted this to her facebook page when I was about 2 weeks from D-day. 
So true.  I guess we all do it.  Something about that last minute pressure.  Maybe it's just that you have no choice.  The last couple of weeks I was working all day in the studio, I'd have dinner with Mark, and then go back to the studio.  It felt like college.  But without the 1am trips to the bar.  Don't think I didn't think about it though...
Coming soon (I promise!) : lovely photos of show pieces taken by my lovely and talented friend Lauren Carroll and some shots show installation at Quirk!  Plese check back soon.  I swear it won't be another four months...